Graft Pool Setup Howto

Hello guys,

I have made my modifications to the nodejs Poolsoftware public, with a Manual on how to run it.

A good place to host a pool (or any other VPS) is at Vultr. They are fast, cheap and easy to use. 🙂

Wanna be your own Pool-Admin? Try it, its fun!

Consider donating some GraftCoins for this Howto to: G6BzvAThpfY15XiK9cph1K6r6uKjkeCGebfEWUBHJRfYdmXuYi5mhL8UHBhLGLq8ombDGiC1Y3yqXAPDN5wbAyzrMaq7sAf

and check out our pool at:



Compile Graft CLI-Wallet for windows 64bit from Github-Sources

Many people think that my awesome precomiled Windows-CLI-Wallet is not safe, here are the Steps for compiling them youself. 😉 Binaries for Windows are built on Windows using the MinGW toolchain within MSYS2 environment. The MSYS2 environment emulates a POSIX system. The toolchain runs within the environment and cross-compiles binaries that can run outside of the environment as a regular Windows application.

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